10.47 |

One day Hadrat Ali, karamallahu wajhahu, cousin and son in law of the Holy Prophet SAW asked,
"O (the Prophet) Muhammad, my parents would be a pledge, please tell me what Allah Ta'ala created before all creation?"
He replied: "Verily, before your Lord created the other, He created from His Nur nur your Prophet."
In another Hadith, which diiiwayatkan of Abdurrazaq ra ra receives from Jabir, that Jabir once asked the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, tell me, whether the very beginning God made​​?".
The Messenger of Allah said: "Allah created before the existence of something is nur your Prophet from His Nur."
Nur Muhammad was already there before the existence of all things in nature. Nur Muhammad was awarded seven seas: Marine Sciences, Marine Latif, Sea Thought, Patience Sea, Sea Sense, Rahman Sea, and the Sea of ​​Light.
He then divide it into four parts Nur From the first part He created the Pen. of the second-lawhal Mahfudz, from the third 'Throne'.
It is now known that when God created lawhal-Mahfudz and Pena. In the pen there is a hundred knots, the distance between two nodes is a two-year journey so far. God then commanded the Pen to write, and the Pen asked, "O Allah, what should I write?"
God said, "Write: la ilaha illallah, Muhammadan Rasulullah".
Top of the Pen exclaimed, "Oh, what a beautiful name, Muhammad's great that he called with Asthma Thy Holy, O God".
God then said, "O Pen, keep your behavior! Of this name is the name of my Beloved, from Nurnya I created the Throne and the Pen and lawhal-Mahfudz; ye, also created from Nurnya. If not for him, I'm not going to create any" .
When Allah Almighty has said the sentence, Pena was split in two because of God's desires, and the place where the words had come out to be closed / blocked, so that to this day remained split in two and the tip is clogged, so he did not write, as a sign of the great secrets of the Divine.
Then Allah commanded the Pen to write "What should I write, O God?" Pena asked. Then Rabb al Alamin said, "Write down everything that will happen until the Day of Judgment".
Pena said, "O Allah, what should I start?". God says, "You have to start with these words: Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim."
With respect and fear are perfect, then pen ready to write those words in the Book (al-Mahfudz lawh), and he finished writing it in 700 years.
When the pen has written the words, Allah says "It has been 700 years for you to take a three write my name; my name's Grace, Mercy Me and my Empathy. Three words of the full blessings that I created as a gift for my girlfriend ummah of Muhammad. Greatness in me, I pledge that whenever any man of this ummah mention the word Bismillah with pure intention, I will write a 700-year countless reward to the man before, and 700 years of sin will I abolish. "
"Now (the next), this part of the fourth of Nur was I again divided into four parts: the first part of Angels Buffer I created the Throne (al-'Arsy hamalat); From the second I have created Chair, Divine court (upper Heaven supporting the Divine Throne, Throne); From the third section I created all the angels (beings) other sky. "
"Then the fourth part I again divided into four sections: the first section I made all of the sky, of the two I made the earth-earth, from the third section I create the jinn and fire."
"The fourth section I again divided into four sections: the first section I made ​​a light upon the faces of the faithful; from the second I made ​​a light in the heart of them, imbuing them with the knowledge of the divine; of the third part of the tongue of light for those who are the light of Tawhid (Hu Allahu Ahad), and on the fourth I made the light of the soul of Muhammad SAW ".
This beautiful soul created 360,000 years before the creation of this world, and it's set up so (most) beautiful and made ​​from ingredients that are incomparably head was made ​​of the instructions, the neck is made ​​of humility. His eyes from the simplicity and honesty, his forehead from closeness (to Allah). His mouth of patience, sincerity tongue, cheeks of love and prudence, his stomach of penance to food and things of the world, foot and knee of the straight path and follow the noble heart filled with Rahman.
This glorious spirit taught with grace and equipped with all the power of a beautiful manners. He was given his prophetic treatise and quality fitted. Then the Crown of Divine Proximity attached to his head full of blessing, famous and high above all others, is decorated with Divine Rida and named Habibullah (Beloved of God) is pure and holy.
Then God created a tree called Syajaratul Yaqin. Stems numbered four. Then diletakanlah Nur Muhammad on the tree. However, the presence of the Light of Muhammad, it makes a great quiver tree until it turns into a white gem. While Nur Muhammad praised Allaah exalt to the presence of 70,000 years. In the gem, Nur Muhammad tried to reflect. Her face is so beautiful views. Shaped like a peacock, and his clothes were so beautiful. Decorated with various jewels. Then he prostrated himself five times.
Allah saw, make the Nur feel embarrassed and scared. Then the sweat from his head. From the sweat lives God created angels. From the sweat of his face, were created lives Throne, sun, moon, stars, and anything that is in heaven. Sweat chest into the material to create the lives of the apostles, prophets, saints, scholars, and righteous people. The sweat that appear on the forehead, was created lives of the believers of the people of Prophet Muhammad. From both ears sweat, were created by God lives Jews, Christians, and the infidels, and heretics. While his feet sweat in them into the content of the earth.
At the next time God created agate red lanterns which light penetrates in and out. Then Nur Muhammad put into the lantern. Being in it in a standing position. While the lives that have been created are outside. Altogether read "Subhanallaahi wal wa laa ilaaha hamdulillaahi illallaahu wallahu akbar". 1,000 years the lives that God commanded to look to themselves Nur Muhammad.
Lives who managed to see the head of Nur Muhammad, then he will be destined to be the leader / ruler. Anyone who saw top of his head, that they were going to be a teacher / educator honest. Anyone who saw his eyes, he will be hafidz (penghapal Koran).
Those who view their ears will be receiving warnings and advice. As you can see hidungngya, they were going to be an expert to talk or doctor. While their lives were being made ​​to see lip Nur Muhammad, he'll be destined to become a minister. Lives who see the teeth will eventually face is pretty good-looking, he can see his tongue, will be envoy / ambassador kings. If the neck is seen, ditakdirkanlah into the trade and business. If nape as he could see, would be a soldier. Those who managed to see both his arms, it will be an officer. If his right elbow is seen, Allah will make him berkehidupan in the textile world, whereas if his left elbow, he will be the one who has killed. And, if successful visits his chest, then he will be respected scholars. When the back, he will be destined to become a social experts. And if that is successful only seen his shadow, then he will be the one involved in the arts.
If one sees his throat full of blessing will be the preacher and mu'adzin (azan). Whoever looked at his beard would be a fighter in the way of Allah. Anyone who looked at the upper arm would be an archer or a ship driver. Anyone who saw his right hand will be a leader, and who saw his left hand would be a divisor (which controls balance and measure the necessities of life).
Anyone who saw his palm into a who likes to give; who's looking at the back of his hand will be a collector. Anyone who saw the inside of his right hand to be a painter; who's looking at the fingertips of his right hand will be a calligrapher, and who saw the fingertips of his left hand would be a blacksmith. Anyone who saw his chest full of blessing will be a scholar to leave the mundane (ascetic) and knowledgeable.
Anyone who saw his back would be a humble and obedient to the laws of shari'ah. Anyone who saw his side full of blessing will become a warrior. Anyone who saw his stomach will be satisfied person, and anyone who saw his right knee will be those who carry out the bowing and prostration. Anyone who saw his feet were full of blessing will be a hunter, and who saw the soles of her feet into those who like to travel. Anyone who saw his shadow will form the singers and players saz (lute).
All who looked but did not see anything going into the takberiman, fire worshiper and idol worship. They were not looking at all will be those who will claim that he is a god, like Namrudz, Pharaoh, and the like.
Now all the souls were arranged in four rows. In the first row stood the souls of the prophets and apostles, as, in the second row placed the souls of the saints, the friends, in the third row stood the souls of the faithful, male - male and female. In the fourth row stood the souls who do not believe.
All these souls remain in the world of spirits in the Presence of Allah until the time they arrive to be sent to the physical world. No one knows but Allah Almighty knows how many time interval from the creation of the full spirit of the Prophet Muhammad blessed him to the revelation of the spirit world to the physical form.
Narrated that the Holy Prophet Muhammad said to the angel Gabriel, "How long since you created?" The angel replied, "O Messenger of Allah, I do not know the number of years, I know that every 70,000 years highlight the glorious beam of light out the back of the dome of the Divine Throne: since the time I created this light appears 12,000 times."
"Do you know whether that light?" asked the Prophet Muhammad
"No, I do not know," said the angel.
"It is my soul Nur in the world of spirits, in charge of the Holy Prophet SAW".
Consider then, how much it is, if 70,000 multiplied by 12,000!
Some have questioned the concept of the Islamic Ummah of Muhammad Nur (Light of Muhammad or Ruh Muhammad) as a concept that has no basis in the 'Aqeedah of Islam. In fact, based on robust data, the concept of Nur Muhammad was a concept of 'aqidah Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah are accepted and recognized by the ijma' (consensus) of scholars and scholars of the science of kalam 'tasawwuf in a long period of time, as a concept that has source argument of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam. The concept of 'aqidah Nur Muhammad salallahu' alayhi wasallam stated among other things that the light or the spirit of the Great Prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam is the first creature that created the Creator, Allaah, then away from him, He Subhanahu wa Ta'ala created other creatures. Allaah mentions the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam as Nuur (light), or as "Siraajan Muniiran" (literal meaning: Glowing lights).

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