Someone called Muslim if he had run into the five pillars of Islam that is the creed,
prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj. And how with Jesus? Is it true that Jesus was someone
Muslim? Moreover, the fact that in fact Jesus also taught his followers to bersyahadat,
prayer, fasting, Zakat, Hajj, and perform sacrificial worship as do Muslims.
Why do Christians believe Jesus' teachings even leave worship it? even
command to bow down as they replace it with beryanyi worship?
Disappointed Christian, Muslim Jesus Turns
That this evidence that the Muslim Jesus According to Scripture
1. Jesus taught his followers bersyahadat
John And this is life eternal, that they know him, is only one God
right, and know Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. {John 17: 3}
2. Jesus taught his people Prayer and repentance
Matthew From that time Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for Heaven is near!"
So he FORWARD, then knelt down and prayed, Saying: "O my Father, if if it were possible,
let this cup pass from me, but do not like the Kukehendaki, but one
You want me to. "{Matthew 4: 17}
Luke currently has fulfilled eight days and he should be circumcised, He was named Jesus, the name
is meant by the angel before he was conceived his mother. {Luke 2: 21}
4. Jesus fasting
Matthew Matthew And after fasting for the whole forty days and nights, finally
laparlah Jesus. {Matthew Matthew 4: 2}
Matthew said: "And when you fast, do not look somber as the munaäk.
They changed his face, so people
see if they were fasting. I said
you: Actually they
obtained her salary {Matthew 6: 16}
5. Jesus taught for pious deeds (doing good)
But I say to you: Do not let thee against those who do evil to you,
but who also slapped on the right cheek and
your left. And the people who will deliver you take your tunic,
hand over your cloak also. And who also forces you road for a mile,
go with him twain. Give those who beg you and not to
dismiss the person who wants to borrow from you. You've heard Arman, THAT:
Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. {Matthew 5: 39}
6. Jesus Saying Inshallah
In the plan related to some upcoming things we are taught not to preempt
wills on top with a convincing all things but should we say
Insha Allah. The same doctrine has been conveyed by the Prophet Jesus Christ as / Jesus Christ
his flock {James 4: 13-17} (the sentence "If the Lord wills" in verse 15,
ARABIC EDITION in the Bible, it is written "INSYA GOD").
7. Jesus Teaches Women To use Hijab
NOT hooded Iyalah insulting the head because he was the same with the woman who shaved
hair. Because IF WOMEN WILL NOT cover her head, so she had to
cut off her hair. But if the woman is an insult that her hair cut,
THEN let her be covered. "{1 Corinthians 11: 5-6}
8. Jesus Teaches Purification / Wudu
"Moses and Aaron and his sons washed WITH THEIR HANDS AND FEET
AIR If they go into the tent of meeting and when they came near the
the altar, they washed FEET AND THEN HAND - AS ORDERED
THE LORD GAVE TO MOSES. "{Exodus 40: 31-32}
9. Teach Mengkafani Jenazah
"And Joseph took the body, MENGKAPANINYA WITH linen cloth
CLEAN. "{Matthew 27: 59}
However, what happens now is not to imitate Christians Simplicity
Own leader ..
"Thanks for reading. Do not forget to shared yes, so that other friends who also knew
this information. "
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