Seven opinion leaders Scientist west about the prophet Muhammad S.a.w | Blog Legenda Tauhid

Wednesday,March 19,2025

Seven opinion leaders Scientist west about the prophet Muhammad S.a.w

07.24 |

7 Opinion Leaders Scientists West
About the Prophet Muhammad?
Here is a collection of opinions or
those comments west
against the Prophet Muhammad.
which they put forward as
testimony to the truth of the Prophet
British 1.Penulis famous,
Thomas Carlil states:
"It is not possible,
Muhammad was a liar.
And if he lied, he
will not be able to bring religion
This stunning. By Allah,
liar will not be
able to set up a home
magnificent, if he does not understand
various materials and types of materials
building. Moreover want
build a mahligai the
building height and stocky,
as well as the Islamic religion, which
strength and greatness can
lasted for centuries. "
2.Bernard Shaw said:
"I'm sure, if there is a man
such as Muhammad was authorized
holding stacks of government
implicitly throughout the world,
The government must be
managed well and surely he will
rule the road to goodness,
to solve a variety of
problems with convincing and
give to the world
peace and happiness
coveted. "
3.Michael H. Hart author of "One Hundred
Most Influential People of the World "
"The fall of my choice to the Prophet
Muhammad in the first place
Hundred People list which
influential in the world may
while surprising the reader
and may be a question mark
others. But I
hold on to my belief,
he was the Prophet Muhammad
only man in history
the successes achieved
amazingly well, judging from the size of the
religion and scope
worldly. "
4.Sir William Muir, A writer
English said:
"Among its properties are worth
underlined and exalted
is gentleness and respect,
which he associated with both
and rebuked his companions sapa
most low though.
Humility, compassion,
humanity, not concerned
self, love and forgiveness
fraternity, infiltrated throughout
soul and love binds tightly
all people living in
around him. "
5.Mahatma Gandhi, recalled:
"The teaching is carried by
Muhammad is a distinguished heritage
not only for the Wise
But to the whole Muslim Ummah
human. "
German Orientalist 6.Seorang Bretly
Hiler in his book "The
Easterners and Confidence-
belief they "say:
"Muhammad is a principal
country and have great attention
on people's lives and
freedom. He punish
people who do criminal
accordance with the conditions of his time
and according to the situation of the
groups where the Prophet lived wild
among them. This prophet is
a caller to religion
One God. Inside
preaching, he uses way
gentle and polite though
with his enemies. On
There are two properties kepribadiaannya
Pivotal owned by soul
humans. Both are
"Justice and mercy".
7.Gustave Lebon, scholars
France recalled:
"If a person of the assessed from
his works, then we can
say, that Muhammad is
largest ever private
known history. "

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