For What We There? | Blog Legenda Tauhid

Tuesday,March 18,2025

For What We There?

16.34 |

Ahuman presence in the world is really just a moment, like the twinkling of an eye when compared with the age of the earth is very old. Looks like the sun is visible, rising and sinking so was the journey of human life in this world. What distinguishes it, sunrise and sunset and then rises again and sank again and so on, while a man rises and sets, and will never rise again forever.

Moment of life given by God to man so that man is none other than to provide the best service to his fellow human beings and all of nature so that humans could actually become a useful person. Partly born by following a natural human nature as the devotee to make life on earth better.

While most people live in this world in a state of creative, birth through life, then died, gone like dust in the wind in the summer. The presence and absence in the world does not give any influence, and this is the most human.

There are also people who are present in this world gives a black color, mempersuram presence of life on earth with a wide range of damage it does. After he passed in accordance with the age given by God, he then left a living legacy of chaos and disharmony.

On this, I am reminded of the question to my teacher, "What God created nettle leaf?". Nettle is one type of shrub stems and leaves are very itchy when touched. Nettle cursory could not be used for any human, only interfere. I can not answer the question the teacher about nettles and then he answered himself, "To meramai-Enliven the world".

So Nettles presence on this earth just to make the earth into a crowded, tidaka more and no less. Then how our presence in this mortal world? What is the same with Nettles?

God created the grass to eat goat, goat God created humans to be eaten, God created man for?

God creates in eating plankton to fish, fish to eat God created man, man to God mencipakan?

If we do not know for what purpose God created man, means our presence in this world together with the presence of fish, grass, goats, etc., just as a complement to the world to be crowded.

God created man with a very special purpose, to serve Him through worship and through daily activities that can benefit all. The Prophet also been giving advice on this subject in which he is the best man according to man's most helpful to others.

More and provide benefits to others, the better value in the eyes of God and man His Messenger. On that basis, the Prophet taught his flock that the expectations in life should be lived to be a blessing for the family, the environment and could be a blessing for the whole of Nature.

In a very short life, let us ponder deeply about what we have done in this world, whether in accordance with the purpose of creation as devotees that provides benefits for all or exit and the destination, providing damage and destruction to human life and other creatures.

May we include the type of man that our presence in the world in a short time can give a beautiful color to the world and its contents so that when we return His presence will be welcomed by God with longing, as we have completed his task as a disseminator of goodness on earth.

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