Blog Legenda Tauhid: Juli 2014

Friday,March 14,2025


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Petuah Andrias bukaleng Legenda Mualaf ooohh masya Allah,memang di antara penghalang kita maju itu masa lalu, tapi kan tidak akan kembali.Adakah suatu kejadian yang menyesakkan dadamu ??Ketehauilah sebenarnya apa yang lepas dari kita, itu yang terbaik bagi masa depan kita.bagaikan bisul, kalau di biarkan bahaya bagi tubuh kita, makanya di buang sama Tuhan, karena Tuhan sayang sama kita.oleh karena...

characteristics in hate blogs by search engines and visitors

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characteristics in hate blogs by search engines and visitors. There are many reasons visitors and search engines to hate or avoid a blog, of which there are several reasons this time through this short article I will merangkumkannya to you. The most hated blog in visitors and Google (search engine): The first is a blog with a black background, in addition to makes the eyes look at him uncomfortable...

Testimony Essential Eye Heart

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When the liver has to be clean, the heart will shine its light. Light hearted is called Nur Kalbu. He will illuminate the mind and mind can think and contemplate about things divine nature and also master himself. Musings sense to himself made ​​him realize things will trip the master of divinity itself. This realization made ​​him feel deeply how close Allah with him. Thus was born his conscience...

Translation of nature Nafsiyah

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     Nafsiyah trait is a trait that only Special leaning or dikhitabkan to God. But Allah is not entitled to hold these properties. The nature of this Nafsiyah there is only one, namely: Nature of Existence, Being (there). The opposite of nature is a form of Adam (no). So that There is only God, but God Not There.       Essentially means the humans and...

Translation of nature Salbiyah.

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Negate Salbiyah nature are traits that are not worthy of God Almighty. The attributes of God are included in this salbiyah there are 5 properties, namely: Qidam, Baqa, Mukhalafatu lil hawaditsi, Qiyaamuhu binafsihi, Wahdaniyat.   Qidam a previous meaning. That is not berpermulaan.Sebelum presence of something, the universe has not been held, there has been no earth sky, the west-east, north-south,...

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