Nafsiyah trait is a trait that only Special leaning or dikhitabkan to God. But Allah is not entitled to hold these properties. The nature of this Nafsiyah there is only one, namely: Nature of Existence, Being (there). The opposite of nature is a form of Adam (no). So that There is only God, but God Not There.
Essentially means the humans and all creatures are scattered dijagat this highway is None. In other words, there is only One Being, the Being of God. This is what is referred to as Wahdatul Being.
Being a form of God called haqiqi or Absolute Being, because God is the Essence of Being Wajibul (mandatory presence). While entity other than Allah called Being majazi, due preceded by absence. Something that no origin, no forever. So there is the There itself, the Essence of Allah Azza Wa Jalla Maulana. This is the meaning of "Laa Maujuuda bi Haqqin illallah." (There is no form that haqiqi form except Allah).
God is the One, while besides God called nature. Between Essence and nature can not be separated from one another. As with the sweetness of honey, salt with the saltiness. If the honey is taken, the sweetness join. If the salt is taken, salty taste also. God with Makhluqnya is one inseparable whole. In this case the Java gives the term: Manunggaling Kelawan Gusti servant. But keep in mind that the merging of the Lord's servant, is not the same as the union of something with something else. Because the union of something with something else still distance, though very limit once. Problem depiction with the sweetness of honey, salt to taste salty, merely examples for ease of understanding. So when asked what form of integration between servant with Gusti? So the answer is: Tan Kena Kinaya What or can not be mistaken and likened to anything. Because God is only One. He is the Beginning, the End of Him, He is Dhahir, he is Bathin. None of the existing form, good form and inner nature dhahir, but realization of God alone. There is no Essence, Nature, Asthma and af'al, but to God alone.
And what about the man who also composed of two element, and the inner dhahir? There is a Hadith Qudsi that explains that: "Al insaanu sirrii wa ana sirruhu." Means: Man is my secret and I was Secret Man. Also there are some pieces of verse in the Quran which explains thus: "Wa FII anfusikum afalaa tubshiruun." Meaning: And there yourself if you do not see it?
According to Muhammad Ibn Fadlillah, that "all there is in terms of the nature is God, while in terms of the look is born not of God." He said, as quoted by the Doctor in his Mystical Islam Simuh Kejawen in wirid Hidayat Jati: "Wa inna Jamii 'al maujuudaati min khaitsul wujuudi' ainul khaqqi Subhaanahu wa ta'ala min khaitsutta'yuni ghairul khaqqi Subhaanahu wata'ala. "Meaning: the manifestation of the truth in terms of form haqiqi is Alllah SWT, whereas from the point of view of the real (dhahir) is not God SWT. In this case he gave the simile or metaphor: steam, water, ice, snow and foam, in terms of nature is water, but of a form of birth instead of water.
In speaking Tuhfah Fiber Java and bersekar macapat explained:
"Satuhune ananing hyang teak,
Supreme sacred color was so fine,
Tan gingsir owah anane,
Sawusing asyya entities,
Dathan owah anane sami,
Sawusing ana asyya,
Ing tetep great hyang,
Ing real Dumeling universe,
Ananing hyang Mangke kadya ing ing Nguni,
Owah taxable lasting tan.
Panganggening hyang awarna colorful,
Without wiwilangan disparate,
Dadi kabeh shelter,
Kang tan by pituduh,
Dathan mulat ing true,
Kandheg ing such a color,
Tingale abawur,
Dathan wruh ing jatinira,
Kesasaring dedalan Kang clan identity,
Dathan wruh kasidan ing. "
That is more or less as follows:
"God is the inner aspect of all that exists in the universe, that everything in the universe is the manifestation majazi of a single nature (God), like various kinds of clothing to form the inner one, or like a shadow, no existence of deviant of the inner form that exists in the knowledge of God, God as the One absolute no form, no color and can not be known, the eternal unchanging form, either before or after the creation of the universe. "
Regarding the concept of the unity of man with God, the fibers are also described: "... away andadi prince, winch pangucaping wang Sangir, when real ing sira, prince iku anane, tatapi dudu liyanipun, ewuh Mangke panarima." That is not God's man, but also not different from God. "
This is where the concept of "Loro Ning Single" in Tuhfah fiber, humans not God, but also no different with God. In unity with God, man is described as waves in the ocean, like the froth in the water, like the hum of the sound. Therein lies the secret of man, he who has been able to reveal that, it really may also disclose Confidential or Secret Uluhiyyah Godhead. Amen. Walahu'alam.
Essentially means the humans and all creatures are scattered dijagat this highway is None. In other words, there is only One Being, the Being of God. This is what is referred to as Wahdatul Being.
Being a form of God called haqiqi or Absolute Being, because God is the Essence of Being Wajibul (mandatory presence). While entity other than Allah called Being majazi, due preceded by absence. Something that no origin, no forever. So there is the There itself, the Essence of Allah Azza Wa Jalla Maulana. This is the meaning of "Laa Maujuuda bi Haqqin illallah." (There is no form that haqiqi form except Allah).
God is the One, while besides God called nature. Between Essence and nature can not be separated from one another. As with the sweetness of honey, salt with the saltiness. If the honey is taken, the sweetness join. If the salt is taken, salty taste also. God with Makhluqnya is one inseparable whole. In this case the Java gives the term: Manunggaling Kelawan Gusti servant. But keep in mind that the merging of the Lord's servant, is not the same as the union of something with something else. Because the union of something with something else still distance, though very limit once. Problem depiction with the sweetness of honey, salt to taste salty, merely examples for ease of understanding. So when asked what form of integration between servant with Gusti? So the answer is: Tan Kena Kinaya What or can not be mistaken and likened to anything. Because God is only One. He is the Beginning, the End of Him, He is Dhahir, he is Bathin. None of the existing form, good form and inner nature dhahir, but realization of God alone. There is no Essence, Nature, Asthma and af'al, but to God alone.
And what about the man who also composed of two element, and the inner dhahir? There is a Hadith Qudsi that explains that: "Al insaanu sirrii wa ana sirruhu." Means: Man is my secret and I was Secret Man. Also there are some pieces of verse in the Quran which explains thus: "Wa FII anfusikum afalaa tubshiruun." Meaning: And there yourself if you do not see it?
According to Muhammad Ibn Fadlillah, that "all there is in terms of the nature is God, while in terms of the look is born not of God." He said, as quoted by the Doctor in his Mystical Islam Simuh Kejawen in wirid Hidayat Jati: "Wa inna Jamii 'al maujuudaati min khaitsul wujuudi' ainul khaqqi Subhaanahu wa ta'ala min khaitsutta'yuni ghairul khaqqi Subhaanahu wata'ala. "Meaning: the manifestation of the truth in terms of form haqiqi is Alllah SWT, whereas from the point of view of the real (dhahir) is not God SWT. In this case he gave the simile or metaphor: steam, water, ice, snow and foam, in terms of nature is water, but of a form of birth instead of water.
In speaking Tuhfah Fiber Java and bersekar macapat explained:
"Satuhune ananing hyang teak,
Supreme sacred color was so fine,
Tan gingsir owah anane,
Sawusing asyya entities,
Dathan owah anane sami,
Sawusing ana asyya,
Ing tetep great hyang,
Ing real Dumeling universe,
Ananing hyang Mangke kadya ing ing Nguni,
Owah taxable lasting tan.
Panganggening hyang awarna colorful,
Without wiwilangan disparate,
Dadi kabeh shelter,
Kang tan by pituduh,
Dathan mulat ing true,
Kandheg ing such a color,
Tingale abawur,
Dathan wruh ing jatinira,
Kesasaring dedalan Kang clan identity,
Dathan wruh kasidan ing. "
That is more or less as follows:
"God is the inner aspect of all that exists in the universe, that everything in the universe is the manifestation majazi of a single nature (God), like various kinds of clothing to form the inner one, or like a shadow, no existence of deviant of the inner form that exists in the knowledge of God, God as the One absolute no form, no color and can not be known, the eternal unchanging form, either before or after the creation of the universe. "
Regarding the concept of the unity of man with God, the fibers are also described: "... away andadi prince, winch pangucaping wang Sangir, when real ing sira, prince iku anane, tatapi dudu liyanipun, ewuh Mangke panarima." That is not God's man, but also not different from God. "
This is where the concept of "Loro Ning Single" in Tuhfah fiber, humans not God, but also no different with God. In unity with God, man is described as waves in the ocean, like the froth in the water, like the hum of the sound. Therein lies the secret of man, he who has been able to reveal that, it really may also disclose Confidential or Secret Uluhiyyah Godhead. Amen. Walahu'alam.
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