Testimony Essential Eye Heart | Blog Legenda Tauhid

Saturday,March 15,2025

Testimony Essential Eye Heart

17.30 |

When the liver has to be clean, the heart will shine its light. Light hearted is called Nur Kalbu. He will illuminate the mind and mind can think and contemplate about things divine nature and also master himself. Musings sense to himself made ​​him realize things will trip the master of divinity itself. This realization made ​​him feel deeply how close Allah with him. Thus was born his conscience in the sense that God is always watching. God sees all his movements, hearing and knowing whisper pertuturannya heart. Be he a believer careful and vigilant.

Among the properties owned by the people who come to the dignity of the believer is:
1: Carefully in the implementation of God's law s.w.t.
2: Be not inclined to treasure, being content with what is and is not unfortunately help others with its treasures.
3: repent in truth (repentance Nasuha) and did not return to crime.
4: spiritually strong enough to endure hardship with patience and put their trust in God
5: The smoothness of spirituality made ​​him feel embarrassed to God and humble ourselves to Him.

  The believers who obey Allah, perform powerful worship, will they increase his spiritual power. He will be strong to do is hand over the affairs tajrid life to God He no longer worried about something that happened to him, although large reinforcements. He no longer puts dependence on fellow creatures. His heart was firm with a feeling of pleasure to anything with God for him. Bala is no longer sue the faith and no longer favors menggelincirkannya. For him reinforcements and favors are the same that determine the destiny that God has for him. What Allah has destined that the most good. People who like this always in the care of God as he has submitted himself to Allah Almighty Allah bestowed him the ability to see with the eyes of the heart and act through Laduni Directive, no longer through the mind, the will yourself or wishful thinking. Careful eye view on the divinity affect the heart (heart). He had an atmosphere that led to her and she denied the existence of God Being diisbatkannya to this atmosphere arise from the nature of divinity is experienced by the heart .. He will truly feel the oneness of God is not simply believe. The experience of nature is said to look with eyes of the heart. Inner eye to see or witness the oneness of Allah and the heart will feel the unity of the state. Heart eyes only see the manifestation of God, no longer see the form itself. People who are in this atmosphere has been separated from human nature. In such circumstances he is no longer a concern for the community. He was only concerned about perhubungannya with God Problem mundane as eating, drinking, clothing and interactions no longer gets attention. Behavior can cause people thought he was crazy. People who reach this level is said to reach the tomb of monotheism nature. His heart was clearly felt that no power but of God and all things come from Allah swt

  Spiritual man through some improvement in the process of knowing God. At the first level open heart and Nur Kalbu eyes radiating light up his mind. A believer that intellect illuminated Nur Kalbu will see how close God He saw with his knowledge and belief gets called ilmul yaqin. Science stop there. In the second stage of a heart that is open already be seen. He no longer see with the eye of science but see the eyes of the heart. Careful look at the ability of the eye called kasyaf. Kasyaf birth or makrifat identification. Someone who is in the tomb makrifat and convincing through kasyaf said gain confidence ainul called yaqin. At the level of yaqin makrifatnya ainul occult and supernatural than he himself. The purpose here is gone unseen attention and awareness to something .. This is what happens makrifat law. Makrifat higher value than science. Science is an achievement to issue a fragmented field. Makrifat also is the result of the achievement of the overarching realities that is the nature of the realities. However, careful eye witness much higher than science and makrifat because that testimony was the result of a strong-willed and persistent struggle with powers of heart and experience. The testimony was as high as high-confidence. The highest testimony is essential to the eye witness the liver. He is the highest confidence and called called Hakk ul Yakin. At the level of intrinsic eye witness heart, liver eyes no longer see the absence of his or her existence, but God seen in all things, all events, in silence and in-spoken. Witnessing intrinsic heart to see his eyes without wall coverings between us with Him. No more space between or among us with Him. He says:
And He (Allah) to stick together you wherever you are. (Verse 4: Surah al-Hadid)

He is not separate from you. Witnessing is essential is to see God in all things and at all times. His views did not close his eyes to the creatures of Allah swt This is the tomb of determination filled by the tranquility and peace of true and unchanging, take shelter under the umbrella of the Supreme Court and the Decree Fortified. In testimony that essentially no longer speech, no language, no like, no science, no makrifat, no hearing, no consciousness, no hijab and everything was gone. Hijab veil has been lifted, then he is seen without like, no letters, no alphabet. Allah confidence not seen with the eye or eye to eye enacting science or kasyaf. Sure, the sheer believe that He is seen despite the lack of knowledge something to tell and there is not anything to show identification.

  People who acquire called Hakk ul Yakin are in the mood eternal with God in every moment, every room and every condition. He came back to life as usual with such mood, in which his eyes always watching The Essential. God seen in two opposite things with one look. He saw God in people who kill and those who get killed. He saw God's power on and off, raising and dropping, moving and silence. No more perkaitannya with the presence or ketidakwujudan himself. Manifestation of God's oneness, Allah encompasses all things.

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