characteristics in hate blogs by search engines and visitors | Blog Legenda Tauhid

Saturday,March 15,2025

characteristics in hate blogs by search engines and visitors

18.39 |

characteristics in hate blogs by search engines and visitors. There are many reasons visitors and search engines to hate or avoid a blog, of which there are several reasons this time through this short article I will merangkumkannya to you.

The most hated blog in visitors and Google (search engine):
The first is a blog with a black background, in addition to makes the eyes look at him uncomfortable sometimes turns the contents of the information contained in these blogs can become unreadable. Blog with a black background is very annoying, what if you want to mencopas article in the blog towards the goal will ms word in print. So what happened? You can copy and paste the text white so it causes can not be read in the ms word which has a white background.
The second one is too many widgets, within the blog there is a clock widget, date, pagerank, personal photos, backlinks, pingfast, anti-spam, substantially all of the widgets he pairs, causing very heavy loading and long blog. Let visitors google aja also hate blog slow connections, in addition to visible irregular can also see that the admin of the blog is still new and not professional.
Hate that in the next blog is a blog that too many ads or blogs can say hunter dollars. Especially if the ads that appear in an ad in an adult can add hated by google. Aja google adsense advertising only allows a maximum of 3 Lots of blogs that display ads are too over-load and eventually remove it because google is considered spam. If the ads are helpful does not display anything, this was made ​​floating ads continue ngganggu visitors so make lazy when visiting a blog that advertise so rich. Adsense aja tuh wear is not no floating ads, everything is what it is and simple so as not to disturb the comfort of visitors.
Next is a blog with adult content, there are a few exceptions. If the above is the title of the blog in hate by visitors and google then perhaps it is only in hate by google alone. The fact that sites like it crowded in the visit by the visitor. Fortunately, Google is not human, so google does not have appetite for such things like that. The main regulations in google adsense is a free blog from adult content element. So do not expect to generate Rp. from such blogs yes.
Well the latter is very severe because in hate by many people such as: google, visitors, advertisers, PPC, and the bloggers. Blog Copas an internet garbage, but want to include links as a source of respect that it is the result of other people's work. I am very happy because finally google algorithm update google ie google panda and penguin, even lately emerged google dance. All was done google for blogs with low quality content into the content is very low and vice versa so that the owner of the original article can get traffic from the jury stuff. Weve there's a story to be successful because Copas blog traffic from search engines? One way to blog traffic only rely Copas success of social networking sites and forums.

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