The characteristics and criteria Jamaah Ahlus Sunnah Wal
Aswaja One True Character of Makkah
Prof. Dr. Sayyid Muhammad al-Maliki al Hasani Allawiy tokok International Aswaja
The following characteristics are the criteria as well as a barometer of Ahlus Sunnah as explained by Imam Ghazali in his Ihya Ulumuddin book and other books are:
1 About the Godhead:
Wal Jamaat Ahl worthy addressed to a group or golomga if they have the following characteristics:
Believe that God is one God worthy of worship by all the perfection of His nature equals no creature.
Substance of God can be seen with the eyes, and the believers will see Him in heaven someday.
Everything that happens is the will of him but the creatures are ikhtiyari (effort creatures).
Rejecting the ideology Tasybih (resemblance) of God with creatures.
Rejecting the ideology Jabariyah (everything above the will of God without ikhtiayri of creatures)
Rejecting the ideology Qadariyah (everything above the will of the creature without taqdir of God)
2 About the Angels:
The angel was there and the number is infinite. Each angel has their tasks, they have always been obedient to God's commands.
Muslims are only required to know the ten main name of the angel who had their respective duties.
In connection with the belief of the existence of angels, the Islamic ummah are also required to believe in the existence of the jinn, demons and Shaytan.
3 About the Apostolate:
Believes that all the Apostles were His messengers mu`jizat given to them as a sign of their truth.
Prophet cover all the Prophets and Messengers were sent to the Arab nation and other nations, to humans and jinn.
Loved the whole Companions of the Prophet.
Believes that the most noble Companions are Hadrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq then Hadrat Umar then Uthman then Saidina Saiydina Ali radi 'anhum.
Avoiding talking about fellow companions hostility except to explain the truth and how Muslims react to it.
Believing in the Prophet's mother and father go to heaven according to the Word of God QS. Al-Isra 'verse 15:
وما كنا معذبين حتى نبعث رسولا
"And we are not going to meng'azab before we sent a messenger." (QS. Al-Isra`: 15)
Both parents died at age fatharah Prophet (void of a Prophet / Apostle). Means both expressed congratulations.
Imam Fakhrurrozi states that all parents of the Muslim prophet. On the basis of the Qur'an As-Syu'ara letter ': 218-219:
الذي يراك حين تقوم * وتقلبك في الساجدين
"Who sees you when you stand up (for prayer), and (see also) change thy movements among those who prostrate".
Most scholars' menafsiri above verse Prophet that light moves from one skilled in prostration (Muslims) to other people who are experts prostration. The Azar which clearly dead infidels, some scholars' claim is not the actual father of Prophet Ibrahim but he is also his uncle and foster father.
Obviously, the Prophet declared that the grandfather and his ancestors are holy people not idolaters as they are declared unclean in the Qur'an. Allah says in verse 28 At Tauba
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إنما المشركون نجس
"O ye who believe, Those who idolaters are unclean"
4 About the book:
Al Quran, the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms are the books revealed to His Prophet as a guide for the ummah.
Al Quran is the word of God and not a creature and not the nature of the creature.
Mutashabihat verse, the Ahl there are two views of the scholars:
Salaf Ulama (scholars who lived in the period before 500 years hijryah) prefer tafwidh (surrender to God) after Ta'weel Ijmali (general / global) or also known as the turning tafwidh Ma'a tanzih lafahd of meaning dhahirnya after it submits the intent of sentence tasybih it to God.
Khalaf Ulama (Ulama during after 500 Hijri) menghamal prefer ta`wil the meaning of a sentence with a reverse sense dhahirnya by declaring and determining the intended meaning of the sentence.
In determining step, Ulema of the Salaf and Khalaf Ulama alike adhered to the letter: Ali Imran verse: 7
هو الذي أنزل عليك الكتاب منه آيات محكمات هن أم الكتاب وأخر متشابهات فأما الذين في قلوبهم زيغ فيتبعون ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله
Meaning: "He was the one who lowers the Book (the Quran) to you, in between (as follows) there are verses muhkamat (very clear) that the main points of the content of the Koran and the other (the verses) mutashabihat (not understood what this means). As for the people in whose hearts is perversity, they follow mutashabihat verses from him to cause a scandal (because they did not realize had been mired in paragraph mutashabihat) and to search for interpretation, "
[a]. >> And no one knows but Allah and takwilnya those firmly grounded in knowledge. They said: "We believe in the verses that mutashabihat, all of it on the side of our God" and not be able to take a lesson (from it) but the people who have sense. (Surah Ali Imran. 7) [b]. >> And no one but God knows takwilnya. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the verses that mutashabihat, all of it on the side of our God" and not be able to take a lesson (from it) but the people who have sense. (Surah Ali Imran. 7)
• Cleric Khalaf found الراسخون sentence di'athafkan to lafadh الله and number يقولون آمنا a number musta`nafah (new beginning) for parrot (explain) because iltimas takwil. Translation [A] is a translation based on the opinion of Ulama Khalaf.
• Salaf Ulema found الراسخون sentence is isti`naf. Translation [b] is a translation based on the opinion of the Salaf Ulema.
5. About Judgment:
Doomsday inevitable, there is no doubt in the slightest.
Believes the punishment of the grave.
The resurrection is a sure thing.
Heaven is a place reserved for his beloved servant.
Hell reserved for people who are broken to him.
Believes the reckoning (the day of reckoning practice).
Believes the dismissal of a servant after rising from the grave.
Believes the Intercession of the Prophet, scholars, martyrs and other believers according to their respective levels.
6 Liability ta`at Him to His slaves is known through His Apostles orally rather than through reason.
7 Not saying someone monotheists and believers have surely go to heaven or hell except those who have received the recognition of the Prophet that he entered heaven.
8.-ngadakan invent something in religion except by permission of Allah.
9 Do not attribute to God something that is not known.
10 Convinced that Sadaqah and prayer to the God of the dead helpful and beneficial to the corpse with Sadaqah and prayer.
11. Believing in the existence of miracles righteous people.
12. mengkafirkan Not one of the experts Qibla (prayer) with sin because they do like adultery, stealing, drank alcohol etc..
13. issue twenty properties. The scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama`ah actually do not qualify properties perfection of God only to the 20 properties alone.
In fact, every character perfection worthy of the majesty of God, surely God shall have so many properties, so that the properties kamalat (perfection and majesty of) Allah that is not actually limited to ninety nine only.
Aswaja One True Character of Makkah
Prof. Dr. Sayyid Muhammad al-Maliki al Hasani Allawiy tokok International Aswaja
The following characteristics are the criteria as well as a barometer of Ahlus Sunnah as explained by Imam Ghazali in his Ihya Ulumuddin book and other books are:
1 About the Godhead:
Wal Jamaat Ahl worthy addressed to a group or golomga if they have the following characteristics:
Believe that God is one God worthy of worship by all the perfection of His nature equals no creature.
Substance of God can be seen with the eyes, and the believers will see Him in heaven someday.
Everything that happens is the will of him but the creatures are ikhtiyari (effort creatures).
Rejecting the ideology Tasybih (resemblance) of God with creatures.
Rejecting the ideology Jabariyah (everything above the will of God without ikhtiayri of creatures)
Rejecting the ideology Qadariyah (everything above the will of the creature without taqdir of God)
2 About the Angels:
The angel was there and the number is infinite. Each angel has their tasks, they have always been obedient to God's commands.
Muslims are only required to know the ten main name of the angel who had their respective duties.
In connection with the belief of the existence of angels, the Islamic ummah are also required to believe in the existence of the jinn, demons and Shaytan.
3 About the Apostolate:
Believes that all the Apostles were His messengers mu`jizat given to them as a sign of their truth.
Prophet cover all the Prophets and Messengers were sent to the Arab nation and other nations, to humans and jinn.
Loved the whole Companions of the Prophet.
Believes that the most noble Companions are Hadrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq then Hadrat Umar then Uthman then Saidina Saiydina Ali radi 'anhum.
Avoiding talking about fellow companions hostility except to explain the truth and how Muslims react to it.
Believing in the Prophet's mother and father go to heaven according to the Word of God QS. Al-Isra 'verse 15:
وما كنا معذبين حتى نبعث رسولا
"And we are not going to meng'azab before we sent a messenger." (QS. Al-Isra`: 15)
Both parents died at age fatharah Prophet (void of a Prophet / Apostle). Means both expressed congratulations.
Imam Fakhrurrozi states that all parents of the Muslim prophet. On the basis of the Qur'an As-Syu'ara letter ': 218-219:
الذي يراك حين تقوم * وتقلبك في الساجدين
"Who sees you when you stand up (for prayer), and (see also) change thy movements among those who prostrate".
Most scholars' menafsiri above verse Prophet that light moves from one skilled in prostration (Muslims) to other people who are experts prostration. The Azar which clearly dead infidels, some scholars' claim is not the actual father of Prophet Ibrahim but he is also his uncle and foster father.
Obviously, the Prophet declared that the grandfather and his ancestors are holy people not idolaters as they are declared unclean in the Qur'an. Allah says in verse 28 At Tauba
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إنما المشركون نجس
"O ye who believe, Those who idolaters are unclean"
4 About the book:
Al Quran, the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms are the books revealed to His Prophet as a guide for the ummah.
Al Quran is the word of God and not a creature and not the nature of the creature.
Mutashabihat verse, the Ahl there are two views of the scholars:
Salaf Ulama (scholars who lived in the period before 500 years hijryah) prefer tafwidh (surrender to God) after Ta'weel Ijmali (general / global) or also known as the turning tafwidh Ma'a tanzih lafahd of meaning dhahirnya after it submits the intent of sentence tasybih it to God.
Khalaf Ulama (Ulama during after 500 Hijri) menghamal prefer ta`wil the meaning of a sentence with a reverse sense dhahirnya by declaring and determining the intended meaning of the sentence.
In determining step, Ulema of the Salaf and Khalaf Ulama alike adhered to the letter: Ali Imran verse: 7
هو الذي أنزل عليك الكتاب منه آيات محكمات هن أم الكتاب وأخر متشابهات فأما الذين في قلوبهم زيغ فيتبعون ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله
Meaning: "He was the one who lowers the Book (the Quran) to you, in between (as follows) there are verses muhkamat (very clear) that the main points of the content of the Koran and the other (the verses) mutashabihat (not understood what this means). As for the people in whose hearts is perversity, they follow mutashabihat verses from him to cause a scandal (because they did not realize had been mired in paragraph mutashabihat) and to search for interpretation, "
[a]. >> And no one knows but Allah and takwilnya those firmly grounded in knowledge. They said: "We believe in the verses that mutashabihat, all of it on the side of our God" and not be able to take a lesson (from it) but the people who have sense. (Surah Ali Imran. 7) [b]. >> And no one but God knows takwilnya. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the verses that mutashabihat, all of it on the side of our God" and not be able to take a lesson (from it) but the people who have sense. (Surah Ali Imran. 7)
• Cleric Khalaf found الراسخون sentence di'athafkan to lafadh الله and number يقولون آمنا a number musta`nafah (new beginning) for parrot (explain) because iltimas takwil. Translation [A] is a translation based on the opinion of Ulama Khalaf.
• Salaf Ulema found الراسخون sentence is isti`naf. Translation [b] is a translation based on the opinion of the Salaf Ulema.
5. About Judgment:
Doomsday inevitable, there is no doubt in the slightest.
Believes the punishment of the grave.
The resurrection is a sure thing.
Heaven is a place reserved for his beloved servant.
Hell reserved for people who are broken to him.
Believes the reckoning (the day of reckoning practice).
Believes the dismissal of a servant after rising from the grave.
Believes the Intercession of the Prophet, scholars, martyrs and other believers according to their respective levels.
6 Liability ta`at Him to His slaves is known through His Apostles orally rather than through reason.
7 Not saying someone monotheists and believers have surely go to heaven or hell except those who have received the recognition of the Prophet that he entered heaven.
8.-ngadakan invent something in religion except by permission of Allah.
9 Do not attribute to God something that is not known.
10 Convinced that Sadaqah and prayer to the God of the dead helpful and beneficial to the corpse with Sadaqah and prayer.
11. Believing in the existence of miracles righteous people.
12. mengkafirkan Not one of the experts Qibla (prayer) with sin because they do like adultery, stealing, drank alcohol etc..
13. issue twenty properties. The scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama`ah actually do not qualify properties perfection of God only to the 20 properties alone.
In fact, every character perfection worthy of the majesty of God, surely God shall have so many properties, so that the properties kamalat (perfection and majesty of) Allah that is not actually limited to ninety nine only.
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