pearl Surat al Maidah one | Blog Legenda Tauhid

pearl Surat al Maidah one

22.54 |

1.O ye who believe, fulfill aqad-aqad it. Cattle is made lawful for you, except to be read to you. (That is) by not justify hunting when you're on the pilgrimage. Surely God established according to the laws of wills.

2. O ye who believe, do not violate the syi'ar-syi'ar God, and do not violate the honor of the forbidden months, do not (interfere with) the animals had-yes, and the beasts Qalaa-id, and do not (too) annoying people who visit the House were they looking for grace and keredhaan from his Lord, and if you have completed the pilgrimage, then it may as well hunt. And let not hatred (mu) to something people because they obstruct you from the Sacred Mosque, push do injustice (to them). And please-menolonglah you in the (working) virtue and piety, and not helping others in sin and transgression. And fear ye Allah, verily Allah is severe in punishment.

3. Forbidden to you (eat) carrion, blood, pork, (animal meat) slaughtered in the name of other than Allah, who choked, hit, falling, headlong, and was attacked by a wild animal, except that you could kill it, and (forbidden ) were slaughtered for idols. And (also forbidden) gambled with the fate of arrows, (raffle fate with the arrow) is wickedness. On this day the unbelievers have been desperate to (beat) your religion, therefore do not fear them and fear Me. This day have I perfected for you your religion, and have my both ends meet My favor unto you, and have my so-ridhai Islamic religion for you. If anyone is forced by hunger without willfully sinning, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

4. They menanyaikan to you: "What is lawful to them". Say: "It is made lawful for you are doing well and (prey captured) by the wild beasts which ye have taught her to train for hunting; teaching according to what you have been taught of God to you. So eat of what they catch for you, and chant the name of God over the beast (time release). And fear Allah, verily Allah is swift at reckoning.

5. On this day you are lawful good. The food (slaughtered) those who were given the Book is lawful for you, and ye halal food (also) for them. (And lawful to marry) women who guard of honor among women who believe and women who guard of honor among those who were given the Book before you, when you have to pay a dowry to marry them with the intent, not with the intention of adultery and not (also) making his concubines. Whoever disbelieved after faith (not accept Islamic law) then delete deeds on the Day of Resurrection and he included those losers.

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