The other side of Islam | Blog Legenda Tauhid

The other side of Islam

21.46 |

Islam to me is anything that can maximize the potential of the human person so that it can be , in Islamic terminology , Insan Kamil . View like this , it tentatife , which could make a Muslim place themselves in a " desire " Islam is true ( ? ) .

 For me , there are still many people who put themselves in a position that is less true when the predicate Muslim should ( and indeed should ) deal with the " subjectivity of Islam 

 The exact position of the less visible manifestations and implications of the teachings of Islam which is embedded in a person . Many things can be broken down to the placement of the self that are less precise . As contained in the " Book of Songs" , that the damage is due to human beings dikosmos .  

Men that became " grandparent " damage . And all people are Muslims ; no human being could escape from the predicate kemusliman . So , in outline , all the damage was at the start of the personal self " Muslim man " denial of guilt ( sin ) of others is a breakdown of the placement of the wrong position . Such denial may result in a multi - crucial .

 Both impact damage ( authoritarian , intolerance , division, oppression and even " deification " ) and clicking impact - perfect man ( self-confidence , independence , altruism , etc. ) Other details of improper positioning when dealing with " Islamic subjectivity " can we dig out of the presence of something " bad " in the phenomenal universe . From here we will find So also a lot of damage " prime causa " of man , not of 

God . To make the process of establishing Islam Kamil , the Muslims must start from HOW " I " see Islam . Because the job is not without its consequences see . Muslims who see Islam as a form of " surrender " will be very different from the Muslims who see 

Islam as something that can maximize our potential. In contrast it is with Muslims who see Islam as " the most perfect religion " . So which one is correct ?

Lebih Menarik Lagi:


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