The virtue of Tawheed
Tawheed is worship
God and none shall-
With Him in worship
anything. Allah ta'ala
says (which means), "Worship
God and do not you
His associate with
anything. "(Surat an-Nisa ': 36)
Acknowledging God as the Creator
Not Enough
Tawheed is not just recognition
that God as the only
creator and ruler of the
universe. Such recognition
not entered into the
the group that tawheed.
Allah ta'ala says (which means),
"And really, if you
(Muhammad) ask
those who create
the heavens and the earth? Sure they will
replied, 'Who created them
Essence is the Mighty,
All-Knowing. '"(Surat az-Zukhruf:
God and none shall-
With Him in worship
anything. Allah ta'ala
says (which means), "Worship
God and do not you
His associate with
anything. "(Surat an-Nisa ': 36)
Acknowledging God as the Creator
Not Enough
Tawheed is not just recognition
that God as the only
creator and ruler of the
universe. Such recognition
not entered into the
the group that tawheed.
Allah ta'ala says (which means),
"And really, if you
(Muhammad) ask
those who create
the heavens and the earth? Sure they will
replied, 'Who created them
Essence is the Mighty,
All-Knowing. '"(Surat az-Zukhruf:
Similarly, the belief that God
the only one that gives good luck,
the on-off,
which regulates all affairs.
Even this is not enough to make people
is said to be the
tauhid. Allah ta'ala says
(Which means): "Say: Who
which gives good luck to you
of the heavens and the earth, or who
the only one that gives good luck,
the on-off,
which regulates all affairs.
Even this is not enough to make people
is said to be the
tauhid. Allah ta'ala says
(Which means): "Say: Who
which gives good luck to you
of the heavens and the earth, or who
which controls hearing and
vision, who
issued the life of the
dead, who issued
the dead from the living, and
Who regulates all
affairs. They would
answer, God. Then say:
Then why do not you
cautious. "(Surah Yunus: 31)
Only God worthy of worship
Because only God
then only God creates too
deserves to be worshiped. God
ta'ala says (which means),
"O mankind, worship
Rabb you, that which has been
created you and those
before you, hopefully
you be cautious. "(Surat al-Baqara:
vision, who
issued the life of the
dead, who issued
the dead from the living, and
Who regulates all
affairs. They would
answer, God. Then say:
Then why do not you
cautious. "(Surah Yunus: 31)
Only God worthy of worship
Because only God
then only God creates too
deserves to be worshiped. God
ta'ala says (which means),
"O mankind, worship
Rabb you, that which has been
created you and those
before you, hopefully
you be cautious. "(Surat al-Baqara:
Worship is the right of Allah,
There is not entitled to receive
except He. Allah ta'ala says
(Which means): "Verily, We
have sent down to al-
Book correctly, then
worship God with
mengikhlaskan for his religion.
Know, verily religion
pure it is the right
God. "(Surat az-Zumar: 2-3).
There is not entitled to receive
except He. Allah ta'ala says
(Which means): "Verily, We
have sent down to al-
Book correctly, then
worship God with
mengikhlaskan for his religion.
Know, verily religion
pure it is the right
God. "(Surat az-Zumar: 2-3).
All forms of worship can only be
addressed to him. Allah ta'ala
says (which means),
"Indeed mosques
belongs to God, it is too
you pray to anyone
together-you prayer to-
God. "(Surah Al-Jin: 18). Shaykh Salih
as-Suhaimi Hafizhahullah
explains, "It means do not
you pray to anyone
besides Him. "(see transcript
Tsalatsat Sharh al-Usul)
Mu'adh ibn Jabal from
radhiyallahu'anhu, Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam said, "The right of Allah upon
addressed to him. Allah ta'ala
says (which means),
"Indeed mosques
belongs to God, it is too
you pray to anyone
together-you prayer to-
God. "(Surah Al-Jin: 18). Shaykh Salih
as-Suhaimi Hafizhahullah
explains, "It means do not
you pray to anyone
besides Him. "(see transcript
Tsalatsat Sharh al-Usul)
Mu'adh ibn Jabal from
radhiyallahu'anhu, Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam said, "The right of Allah upon
servant is should they
worship Allah and not
His associate with
anything. As for the rights of slaves
above Allah Almighty is He
will not punish the people
who did not ascribe his
with anything. "(Narrated by
Bukhari no. 2856 and Muslim no. 30)
Not Accepted Worship Without
Unity of god
Worship God without
worship Allah and not
His associate with
anything. As for the rights of slaves
above Allah Almighty is He
will not punish the people
who did not ascribe his
with anything. "(Narrated by
Bukhari no. 2856 and Muslim no. 30)
Not Accepted Worship Without
Unity of god
Worship God without
Tawheed is the practice of not
will be accepted on his side. God
ta'ala says about the
unbelievers / polytheists (which means): "And
you do not worship what
I worship. "(Surah al-Kafirun: 3).
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullah
said, "The meaning; You do not
worship as my worship.
Because you worship built in
top shirk, therefore he
not including worship /
worship to God. "(see
qaul al-Mufid al-'ala Book of at-
will be accepted on his side. God
ta'ala says about the
unbelievers / polytheists (which means): "And
you do not worship what
I worship. "(Surah al-Kafirun: 3).
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullah
said, "The meaning; You do not
worship as my worship.
Because you worship built in
top shirk, therefore he
not including worship /
worship to God. "(see
qaul al-Mufid al-'ala Book of at-
From Abu Hurairah
radhiyallahu'anhu, Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
said, "Allah wa ta'ala tabaraka
said, 'I am the One who
most do not need allies.
Anyone who did a
practice in which he
besides associating me with
with my self it will
I left him with
kesyirikannya. '. "(Narrated by Muslim.
radhiyallahu'anhu, Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
said, "Allah wa ta'ala tabaraka
said, 'I am the One who
most do not need allies.
Anyone who did a
practice in which he
besides associating me with
with my self it will
I left him with
kesyirikannya. '. "(Narrated by Muslim.
Shaykh Muhammad at-Tamimi
rahimahullah said, "Know,
that worship is not called
to worship unless it together
with monotheism. As prayer
not called unless prayer
along with thaharah. When
Shirk enters the worship
he corrupted, as hadats
that impinge on people who
've purification. "(see al-qawa'id al-
Arba ').
The Branch Tawhid Faith
rahimahullah said, "Know,
that worship is not called
to worship unless it together
with monotheism. As prayer
not called unless prayer
along with thaharah. When
Shirk enters the worship
he corrupted, as hadats
that impinge on people who
've purification. "(see al-qawa'id al-
Arba ').
The Branch Tawhid Faith
From Abu Hurairah
radhiyallahu'anhu, Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
said, "Faith is composed of
over seventy or sixty
more branches. The most important
is greeting laa ilaha illallah,
the lowest is
get rid of the interference of the road,
and shame is one of the
branch of faith. "(Narrated by Bukhari no.
9 and Muslim no. 35, this pronunciation belongs
The Islamic Da'wah Tawheed Payload
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radhiyallahu'anhu, Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
said, "Faith is composed of
over seventy or sixty
more branches. The most important
is greeting laa ilaha illallah,
the lowest is
get rid of the interference of the road,
and shame is one of the
branch of faith. "(Narrated by Bukhari no.
9 and Muslim no. 35, this pronunciation belongs
The Islamic Da'wah Tawheed Payload
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Ibn 'Abbas radhiyallahu'anhuma
said: When sent
Mu'adh towards Yemen, the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
told him, "Truly
You will find a clan
from among the People of the Book. Let
The first time you shouted
to them is that
they mentauhidkan God
ta'ala ... "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 7372)
said: When sent
Mu'adh towards Yemen, the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
told him, "Truly
You will find a clan
from among the People of the Book. Let
The first time you shouted
to them is that
they mentauhidkan God
ta'ala ... "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 7372)
Tawheed Religion Foundation
Ibn 'Umar radhiyallahu'anhuma
narrated that the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam said, "Islam is built on
The above five cases: monotheism to
God, establish prayer,
pay zakat, fasting Ramadan,
and Hajj. "(Narrated by Muslim. 16).
Ibn 'Umar radhiyallahu'anhuma
narrated that the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam said, "Islam is built on
The above five cases: monotheism to
God, establish prayer,
pay zakat, fasting Ramadan,
and Hajj. "(Narrated by Muslim. 16).
The essence of Tawheed Da'wah of the Prophets
and Apostle
Allah ta'ala says (which means),
"Indeed We have sent
to every people a Messenger
were invited; Worship God
and flee from Evil. "(Surah an-Nahl:
and Apostle
Allah ta'ala says (which means),
"Indeed We have sent
to every people a Messenger
were invited; Worship God
and flee from Evil. "(Surah an-Nahl:
Allah ta'ala says (which means),
"It is not we send a
also apostles before thee-O
Muhammad-but we
revealed to him that
there is no god-right-
but Me, so worship Me
alone. "(Surat al-Anbiya ': 25).
The essence of Tawheed Teachings of the Prophet
Ibrahim 'alaihis salam
Allah ta'ala says (which means),
"Remember, when Ibrahim said
the father and his people;
Indeed I am innocent of
all you god except
Essence of Who created me,
for He will give
guide me. "(Surat az-Zukhruf:
"It is not we send a
also apostles before thee-O
Muhammad-but we
revealed to him that
there is no god-right-
but Me, so worship Me
alone. "(Surat al-Anbiya ': 25).
The essence of Tawheed Teachings of the Prophet
Ibrahim 'alaihis salam
Allah ta'ala says (which means),
"Remember, when Ibrahim said
the father and his people;
Indeed I am innocent of
all you god except
Essence of Who created me,
for He will give
guide me. "(Surat az-Zukhruf:
Allah ta'ala says (which means),
"It has no role models
good for you on self Ibrahim
and those who were with him,
that is, when they are said to
his people, Behold our
distanced themselves from you and from
all you worship besides
God. We deny you, and
have clear between us with
you enmity and hatred
forever, until
you want to believe in God
Just ... "(Surah al-Mumtahanah: 4).
Tawhid Key Terms For Grabbing
Security and Hidayah
Abdullah bin Mas'ud
radhiyallahu'anhu said: When
down the verse "Those who
believers and non-interference
their faith with injustice
(Ie Shirk), they are the ones who
will get security and
they are the ones who
given guidance. "(Surat al-An'am:
82). It was heavy for the
companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi
wa sallam. They complained,
"Who among us is that
not oppressing themselves? ".
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam also said, "Not like
do you guys think. Real
intention is such that
Luqman said to his son,
"My son, do you
commit shirk. Indeed shirk
it is tyranny very
big. "(Surah Luqman: 13)." (Narrated by
Bukhari no. 32 and Muslim no. 124)
"It has no role models
good for you on self Ibrahim
and those who were with him,
that is, when they are said to
his people, Behold our
distanced themselves from you and from
all you worship besides
God. We deny you, and
have clear between us with
you enmity and hatred
forever, until
you want to believe in God
Just ... "(Surah al-Mumtahanah: 4).
Tawhid Key Terms For Grabbing
Security and Hidayah
Abdullah bin Mas'ud
radhiyallahu'anhu said: When
down the verse "Those who
believers and non-interference
their faith with injustice
(Ie Shirk), they are the ones who
will get security and
they are the ones who
given guidance. "(Surat al-An'am:
82). It was heavy for the
companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi
wa sallam. They complained,
"Who among us is that
not oppressing themselves? ".
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam also said, "Not like
do you guys think. Real
intention is such that
Luqman said to his son,
"My son, do you
commit shirk. Indeed shirk
it is tyranny very
big. "(Surah Luqman: 13)." (Narrated by
Bukhari no. 32 and Muslim no. 124)
Tawheed Key of Heaven
From Abdullah bin Mas'ud
radhiyallahu'anhu, he said:
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam said, "Whoever
died in a state of
associating God with
anything, surely he entered
Hell. "And I-Ibn Mas'ud-
said, "Whoever
died in a state of
associating God with
anything, then he must
go to heaven. "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 1238
and Muslim no. 92)
Because Tawheed First Descent
Allah's forgiveness
From Anas ibn Malik
radhiyallahu'anhu, Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
said: Allah ta'ala says,
"O Children of Adam! Supposing
You come to me with
bring almost all my sins content
Earth then you meet me in
not associate my state
with anything, surely I
will come to you with
forgiveness for it anyway. "(Narrated by
Tirmidhi no. 3540
From Abdullah bin Mas'ud
radhiyallahu'anhu, he said:
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam said, "Whoever
died in a state of
associating God with
anything, surely he entered
Hell. "And I-Ibn Mas'ud-
said, "Whoever
died in a state of
associating God with
anything, then he must
go to heaven. "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 1238
and Muslim no. 92)
Because Tawheed First Descent
Allah's forgiveness
From Anas ibn Malik
radhiyallahu'anhu, Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
said: Allah ta'ala says,
"O Children of Adam! Supposing
You come to me with
bring almost all my sins content
Earth then you meet me in
not associate my state
with anything, surely I
will come to you with
forgiveness for it anyway. "(Narrated by
Tirmidhi no. 3540
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