Dreaming of the Prophet with sholawat Al Fatih | Blog Legenda Tauhid

Sunday,March 16,2025

Dreaming of the Prophet with sholawat Al Fatih

15.58 |

Dreamed of seeing the Prophet is Haq, described in the hadith:

من رآني في المنام فقد رآني فإن الشيطان لا يتخيل بي
"Anyone who sees me in a dream, he actually saw. Because demons are not able to mimic such myself. "(HR. Bukahri and Muslim)

In the history listed with lafadz

من رآني فقد رآى الحق

Whoever sees me in a dream then he really has seen.

According to Imam Nawawi said: "Seeing the excitement of Allaah is one of the noble and great tidbit. Allah specialize it for His beloved people. Seeing the Prophet is a right that is common to all the believers and Muslims, either pious or impious, berneda but the shape varies according to different sources coming out of their ahri, hygiene, and their mental readiness. "

One of the treatise met the prophet in a dream by reading sholawat Fatih contained in the book of Philippians Wushul Maghnatisul qabul Ila Ru'yati Sayyidina Hasan Shaykh Muhammad Rasul work Syiad Ba'Umar.

Here is sholawat Al Fatih attributed by Sayyid Muhammad Al Bakry

Shalli Allahumma `ala Sayyidina Muhammadini 'l-fâtihi five ughliq, wa' l-khâtimi five sabaq, Nashiri 'l-Haqqi bi' l-haqq, wa 'l-Hadi ila shirâthika' l-Mustaqim, wa` ala alihi haqqa qadrihî miqdârihi wa 'l-`azhîm.

"O Allah grant blessings to our Prophet Muhammad prince who opens what is closed and nothing covering the foregoing, the helper of truth with truth that gives clues to the straight path. And to his family, true and true exaltation of him and the great equalizer. "

Narrated: Whoever read it as much as 1000 times on Thursday evening or Friday evening or Monday evening and it shall gather together the prophet.
Sholawat readout is carried out after four rekaat sunnah prayers, the first after the letter Alfatihah rekaat reading al Qodr three times
In both surah Al Zalzalah rekaat three times
In the third letter rekaat Al Kafirun three times and
In the fourth rekaat reciting surat Al Mu'awwizatain (Al Falaq and An-Nas) three times
At the time of reading bakarkanlah incense or aloes wood

It is important in doing this riyadah as exemplified by previous scholars is to foster a love that is in against the prophet. with this love will make a close spiritual relationship and connect with each lafadz sholawat or Mawlid which we read in the praise and glorify the prophet.

hopefully this treatise useful for anyone who wants to practice it.

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