Miracle of Prophet Muhammad | Blog Legenda Tauhid

Sunday,March 16,2025

Miracle of Prophet Muhammad

16.01 |

Here narrated some of the many miracles given by God to Muhammad PBUH Mabi.
Hair he cut Prophet
When the Holy Prophet was reading the Qur'an at his home on Monday night, the Angel Gabriel came to him.
Gabriel immediately spoke to the Prophet, "I bring word from the Lord, the Glorified, that should cut your hair, and do not worry."
The Prophet said, "O Gabriel, who will take me next. And who shave. Where'd clothes to wear later."
The angel Gabriel delivered the question to God. He said, "My Lord, I come to proclaim that your girlfriend actually had willingly at the behest of the hair must be cut. But now, O Lord, there is a petition, that anyone who gets permission to watch when your boyfriend cut. Who cut it, and also from where God would give her clothes. "
God said to Gabriel that will be cut is Gabriel, who stands in front of him is the light of the Creator of heaven and earth, while his clothes were taken from heaven, Tuba leaf green tree with clear light. God's gift to the Holy Prophet exceeds above all prophets and messengers.
Gabriel immediately took a piece of cloth from the holy Tuba tree leaves. Glowing so bright as the rays of the sun. Which will be given to the Prophet as his cover while shaving. Pronouncement of Allah SWT that leaves the Tuba as a gift from Allah on Muhammad's prophetic.
Upon arriving in front of the Messenger of Allah, he again asked questions that have been asked before. The angel Gabriel was answering these questions.
Gabriel Prophet started cutting hair on Monday the 19th of Ramadan in the presence of his companions. Something amazing that he no strands of hair that fell to the ground.
The Prophet was asked about it, "Wisdom that contained nothing that my hair fall into any one piece of land?"
Gabriel replied, "By many this hair, the amount of hair that was in your head I have counted 126 666. Meanwhile, Angel-angel come down from heaven to ask the hair on the orders of the Great."
God said to the angels, "You are all over the Angels, come down to earth, the Prophet was cut my hair. Y'all ask each hair one sheet. Honor ye hair of the Prophet. Tie the hair well as a talisman to be forgiven of your sins,"
Maidens were soon down to earth to take the hair of the Prophet. Then they tied it to his right little finger, respectively.
Prophet Muhammad Saw the Sky Down
Together with Gabriel, the Prophet of Allah met ascension through the golden staircase adorned with pearls and jewels from heaven. Will travel through the seven layers of the sky. However, at each step, they both have encountered amazing sights for the Prophet. On the first rung, the Messenger of Allah saw seven thousand rows of angels who are all wearing gold crowns while saying: 'Good Heavens Wabihamdihi'.
In the second rung also saw rows of angels crowned with gold, but there are differences with the angels said, 'written on his forehead' subhanallahi Wabihamdihi, subhanallahi Malikul Quddusi '.
Furthermore, in the third rung, they encounter an angel who numbered 300,000 full dress manifold and also a golden crown. Light radiated from his mouth. Prophet Muhammad asked Gabriel about them.
Answered by Gabriel 'peace be upon, "Who are your people who read as it is read by the angels that reads' Astaghfirullaah', when they evaporate, then so is the light that will come out of his mouth".
In the fourth rung, encountered angels are so many in number, which only God knows how many. They always say 'La ilaha lila huwal Mubin'. Bacaaan that, according to the angel Gabriel, who read it expedient to make his sins forgiven.
In the fifth rung, they saw the angels that look on his face like a full moon. Each saying 'Laa llaha Asyhadu An lllallaah Wa Anna Muhammadan Asyhadu Rasuulullaah'. And also always say tahmid (Alhamdulillah). Here, the Prophet also saw the two side by side like a light dian unflagging. Glitter is so powerful.
Prophet was asked about it, "O Gabriel, what the hell was I saw the light was. Two side by side."
Gabriel U.S. replied, "O Muhammad, that's where he lives. On the east, it is called Baitul Mukmuran, which is the abode of the lives that are not used in the world, as for the lives that have been used, it was called Jabatul Hannanu, which places the lives that have been used in the world then stay depends on the Throne. "
In the blink of an eye as also happened on previous trips they both had reached the sixth rung. Then on the seventh. This rung amounted to no less than 50 pieces up to the seventh heaven.
Now, the Prophet came in the first heaven. After asking permission to the guardian angel, they both go into the sky. The angels deliver to prostrate reverence for the noble creatures, the Prophet Muhammad. Here, Gabriel took the Prophet saw strolling around the state. In this place, seen the stars glittering in the vast space. Then Gabriel azan for prayers. With diimami by the Prophet, the angels pray circumcision bermakmum two cycles. At first the sky was also seen in the Prophet.
Then we proceed to the second heaven. In this heaven, the angels say prayers when knowing the arrival of the main creatures, the Prophet Muhammad. In the second the sky is also held prayer circumcision.
In the third layer of the sky, the Prophet Muhammad met a man who was sitting on a chair surrounded by light with the angels crowned gold.
The Prophet also said hello to him. However, he did not directly answer, but ask in advance to Gabriel, "Who gave me a greeting?"
Gabriel replied, "Do not you know Muhammad, Allah, the Exalted and given the option of safety."
That man was Adam. He was very happy to find out who greet earlier. Immediately the Prophet approached and kissed. Prophet Muhammad did not know who the people who were facing, and ditanyakanlah to Gabriel.
Prophet Adam a s. it will cry when sitting then look to the left, because watching their grandchildren who are in hell. And will laugh, when looking to the right, he saw his grandchildren are in heaven. In this place, Rasul SAW also praying circumcision with the angels and the Prophet Adam
Now the journey continues back to the fourth heaven. In the sky they encounter a white feathered chickens. Mouth, eyes, and yellow legs. On the tongue decorated with jewels from heaven. In his eyes decorated diamonds. Potoknya colored pure gold.
"Chicken what was it, O Gabriel," said the Prophet.
Gabriel replied, "That chicken Throne. If crowed in the last third of the night, would follow anyway chickens on earth. Kokoknya said, O all who sleep, arise you all. Then convey praise to Allah, the Exalted, that you are all given the grace of Allah Almighty in the hereafter '. "
"The sound kokoknya in daylight is, 'Get a grip you entirely on the oneness of Allah Almighty' I hope you all do not put him into hell."
In other places, they encounter an angel who was sitting on a chair that glowing fire, in a very angry state while holding the belt that comes from the fire of hell. On each belt there were eighty people were punished. If the belt was deposited on top of the earth, the earth will be destroyed.
Prophet Muhammad conveyed greetings to the angel. However, he did not respond. So Allaah was reminded, "O angels guard Hell. Menyahuti Why you are not willing Kurahmati greeting people. Actually I did not create you along with hell and heaven and all its contents, were it not for Muhammad. Then he got what I wanted greatness and glory. "
Bergetarlah guardian angel of hell receiving the warning from Allah Ta'ala. The angel Gabriel said, "O Angel, do not you know people who Allaah blessed in both worlds."
Hell's angels guard said, "O Muhammad, with very thou please kindly forgive me. Because I was destined by the Almighty who waited grumpy face is your people who do not follow your conduct. Would I take all of the bad treatment he had done in the world." Then the Prophet asked for dibukakanya gates of hell.
Hell's angels guard said, "O Muhammad, I will not let the gates of hell opened before the world ends."
But suddenly heard a voice that said, "open to the gates of hell, because it is not the world I created it with contents were it not for Muhammad."
Finally the door was opened for the hell of Prophet Muhammad. Had hell just a pinhole leak, then heaven and earth will be dimmed.
Prophet and Jibril U.S. entered into it. The first whom he met was a man who was tortured by being boiled in a hell fire and crocheted tray with iron. His tongue lolled down to the ground. When the Prophet asked Gabriel about the guy, then he answered, "That's your people who persecute others, and he does not repent until death."
Then there is a house seen in hell. In it there were seventy people who were tortured. There is another man who was chained to his leg. Chain because it is made and the smoldering fires of hell. His eyes pierced with iron. His mouth with hot lead poured melted. His bones chipped and caught fire while he terpangganglah on fire of hell. The Prophet asked, "Who on earth is such a tortured?"
Gabriel replied that it was the Prophet's people who are always fighting each other and the conflict between them.
Also seen a group of people who were tortured by the way his head was down, his face upside down facing backward. His face was likened to a pig's face. While both his hands cut off. Suddenly he was thrown into the fire of hell that was burning. Gabriel is clear that it is the people who frequent mangambil Prophet property rights of others, as well as his foul against each other as well.
Elsewhere, the Prophet witnessed a hell dwellers whose voice wailing sound to the seventh heaven, He is a young man who died unrepentant.
There are also people who tortured her mouth crocheted with iron tongue sticking to the ground, he is the person who rebel against their parents until death.
Also witnessed a woman who was in the middle of hell fire. His face was facing the rear. His tongue with liquid tin pour boiling. Her mouth stabbed with a burning iron. "That's your people who visited the neighbors (to go outside) without wearing a veil (hijab)," said Gabriel.
Also saw a woman who was at the top, while his cock pierced with iron and penetrate up to his mouth. Meanwhile, both hands grasping hot coals. He was tortured so because often go outside the house without her husband's permission.
A review in the hell thats enough. They both came out. Furthermore erected circumcision prayer with the angels.
Now they go toward the fifth heaven. In the sky they encounter a man was in the iron angels crowned with a gold "O Jibril Who is it," asked the Prophet.
"That Prophet Isa alaihiasalam," said Gabriel U.S.
The Prophet went up to greet him. However, Prophet Jesus has not responded, and asked Gabriel about the person who approached it. When he found out who was in front of him, the Prophet Jesus Prophet Muhammad immediately smell. Then their prayers circumcision.
Now, ascension journey was in the sixth heaven. Here they encounter a man sitting on a chair light. Surrounded by angels. He was Moses' alaihiasalaam.
Moses asked the people in front of the "That man blessed by Allah Ta'ala. He will ascend into heaven meet his Lord," said Gabriel.
Dihampirilah Prophet Muhammad by The Prophet Moses a s. as he had been advised that if the back of the Throne, take the first stop in place. To be known about what is seen and given by Allah Almighty to Prophet.
Then Gabriel azan will mark the establishment of the prayer with the Prophet Moses and the angels.
The journey was resumed again. Crossing the oceans are so vast and full of areas that bright light. Passing too dark areas. Each kinds are separated by a distance of 500 years traveling, he passed through the shroud of beauty, perfection, majesty secret. Beyond that, there are 70,000 groups of angels who were prostrate. They will bow down and do not leave the place, until the end of the day later.
Prophet Muhammad and the Angel Gabriel is now in seventh heaven They saw a very large tree. A sheet leaves are still wider than the planet. Prophet asked the tree to the guardian angel, but he was rejected for fear of Allah which assigns to maintain the tree.
Gabriel rebuked the guardian angel, "O Angel, why are you reluctant to give it Katubi tree. Did you know people who Allaah blessed this."
Gabriel also took the fruit of the tree. Apparently, in the fruit terdapat.seorang angel child. A woman dressed in a variety of tone. The angel will be given also by the Almighty to the people who follow the Prophet Muhammad his morals.
Having been ordered by the Prophet, that the angel had entered into his back. After that they both went on his way back. Somewhere, found many angels who are around a tree.
"The tree is it, O Gabriel," said the Prophet.
"That is what is called a tree Sidratul Muntaha," said Gabriel.
And that Muhammad had seen Gabriel's (the original apparently) at any other time, (ie) in Sidratil Muntaha. Nearby there is a heaven, a place to stay. (Muhammad saw Gabriel) when Sidratul Muntaha overwhelmed by something that enveloped him. (Q.S. 53: 13-16)
Leaves written on the life of every animate. Prophet approached an angel guarding the tree, and gave him a greeting. But angels are not menyahutnya. The angel Gabriel immediately reprimanded. Knowing about the presence of the Prophet angel was immediately a reply greetings.
"O Angel, if you are keeping the (tree) Sidratul Muntaha?" asked the Prophet.
"I'm the Angel of Death," said the angel.
"How many people died in the day and night. Really you who take their lives entirely," said the Prophet.
"O Muhammad, which is why there are as many as 700,000 paramilitary leader angel of death. While each leader was in charge of 700,000 angel. Stay I just noticed that the foliage. If writing date, I have commanded the angels to go pick up his life so and so at such and such a country," said angel of Death. "If I want to view the whole world, just like a cup that I saw in front of me. Nothing in the world that escape my sight."
They both also met a group of angels. The angels called by the Prophet, but they did not answer. Then God rebuked them. Reprimand was stamped the hearts of the angels. He pleaded to the Prophet Muhammad. "We are very, would you forgive me. Because I had not meant to speak before the world ends."
There is another group of angels who numbered seven thousand people. Once considered by the Prophet, they are composed of four types of faces. There are face-like buffalo, chicken, human, and leopards.
Angel-faced like a buffalo is a group of angels whose job is to spread the sustenance for every animal that eat meat. Angel-faced group tasked to deploy human-like sustenance for every human being. Angel-faced like chickens tasked to deploy sustenance for every animal poultry. While similar to tiger-faced angel spreading sustenance for all beasts.
Elsewhere, the Prophet saw angels head of seven thousand. Each head has seven thousand such. Each form has seven thousand mouths Every mouth has seven thousand tongues. Inside the tongue has seven thousand languages ​​are mastered, all constantly praising Allah Ta'ala. This angel always pray salvation for those who went to pray, people who are studying, and they were fasting in Ramadan.
Now the journey has reached its destination. Earth and sky become visible one, and can hardly be seen. Being in front of the presence of God Almighty. Gabriel brought from heaven to carry stretchers Prophet. Do not have a pole and no hangers. The walls are attached silk. Repose carpet. Then the Prophet saw ride to go to the 'Throne abode of God Almighty.
He must pass wall eighty light. There is also a wide range of other light that can be witnessed. That makes the Prophet unnerved. The aim had been to. Here there are no east and west; Similarly unknown north and south. The Prophet SAW modestly left alone before God Almighty.
Word of Allah Ta'ala said to Prophet Muhammad, "O Muhammad, I've been in front of you. Mediate Nothing we. Nearby Similarly rice on the trunk".
Fear began to envelop the Messenger SAW, because he has now been there before the King of Kings of the Universe. He praised Allah, "Attaahiyaatul Mubaarakaatuh Asshalawaatu Lillaah."
Allah the Exalted says, "Assalaamu 'Alaika Ayyuhannabiyyu Warahmatullaahi Barakaatuh Wa".
"Wa-alaa Ibaadillaahis Shaalihiina. AsyhaduAn llaaha Ilallaah Laa," said the Prophet.
"Anna Muhammadan WaAsyhadu Rasuusullaahi. Give you a prayer eighty times a day. Together Qul Huwallaahu Sunday, QulA'uudzu, both, You bring to your people".
"Kujadikan nature and its contents just because you, O Muhammad. Prophet that I created so many. Thou art the most beloved. Thou precisely my replacement. Meanwhile Gabriel, just Kujadikan messenger. While you, O Muhammad, thou manifest My glory and greatness -Ku, "the word of Allah Ta'ala.
Meeting God with His creature it was over. He came out of the environment 'Throne. Stretcher was brought back by itself presented to Gabriel.
Prophet Muhammad preparing for the journey back home to Earth.
On the way home, the Prophet encountered a city. He tried to look at the state of it. There seen there is a house whose walls are made ​​of gold with jeweled diverse. Poles made ​​of pearls, and the Prophet tried to look at the house from it. There is a unique glass. The glass was no buffer, while inside there is a beautiful woman beautiful. Her body was glowing brighter than the sun, let alone months.
Once described by the woman, it transpired that he was the angel who prepared for the martyrs.
From this place, the Prophet Muhammad moved to a place in which there is a large house. The walls are made of mirror repose red gemstone. And the ridge is made of emerald jewels. Then also met four rivers. Honey rivers, rivers of milk, wine rivers, and streams of clear water. On the fringes of gems scattered along the river. Not long after there was an angel who took a cup of water every river. Then brought into the presence of the Messenger of Allah to be selected as a drink.
Prophet chose a cup of milk. Then he drank to the remaining half cup. Then there didengarlah voice saying, "O Muhammad, if you drink milk it until they run out, then all of your people (will be) the inhabitants of heaven."
Immediately after hearing the sound of it, the Messenger of Allah would take it back. But the angel said, "O Muhammad, verily is not blessed of God Almighty."
Invisible voice heard again, 'If that's what you are drinking wine, then your people are in the grip of a vicious O Muhammad, in case the honey that you drink first, then your people will be greater attention to the world than the afterlife. "
From there, they are both running again and find another housing complex that very many. The walls are made of mirror Inside each house was contained forty rooms. Each room is no angel forty children who were dancing. According to Gabriel, it was all meant for people of Prophet Muhammad who had faith thick. Who constantly glorify scholars. And noble against fellow Muslims and other human beings.
Furthermore, the Prophet Muhammad and Gabriel watched the type of plants that have such forty. Each apparently fruitful forty grains. Each fruit has a forty-flavor.
Prophet saw Gabriel curious try to ask these questions, "what do you call it home, so many plants."
"That is the future that will be promised to entertain them vang loving religion. Shaum And always carry in the month of Ramadan. Well as generous toward others of God's creatures," replied Gabriel.
"Tell your people, all you see."
"He will not believe the Arabs," said the Prophet.
Menyahutlah Gabriel, "Although Arabs are not going to trust you, and also let it mendustakanmu the Christians."
Eventually they both fell to the sky the next. Along the way, they meet again with Moses He asked, "What God has given to you".
The Prophet replied "Prayers eighty times a day, with as many as thirty Quran Juz and (including) Al-Fatihah."
"O Muhammad, your people will not be able to pray eighty times a day," Moses said .. "Ask a light in prayer."
Hearing the advice of the Prophet Moses, Prophet agreed and back again into the presence of God to apply for relief, God deigned to reduce the number of cycles of prayer to fifty cycles.
On the way down the back, they both met again with Moses, and he asked about the results. Once notified, Moses. suggest again to the Apostle of Allah, to be dried again, because his people would still not be able to. Prophet again accept the proposal. And marched back to the Throne.
In the Throne, Allah again received waivers amount of cycles of prayer demands posed by the Prophet. When the cycles of prayer to 45 cycles. But there are additional commands, namely fasting in the month of Ramadan, fasting six days of circumcision in the month of Shawwal, and hajj.
After that, the Prophet was about to continue his journey back down to earth. However, when met with Moses, and knowing the number of cycles that have been received by the Prophet, he suggested again that the requested waivers again. But the Prophet was embarrassed to return requested relief.
Then the voice said, "O My servants, it is worth fulfilled by your people pray five times a day and night."
On the way home, they met again with Prophet Adam and Prophet Isa U.S. The Prophet was asked the Holy Prophet to tell me anything he had experienced it.

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