Period Independence Movement at Kotabaru | Blog Legenda Tauhid

Period Independence Movement at Kotabaru

02.17 |

On March 25, 1947 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Netherlands did Linggarjati agreement one of the rules states that "the Government of the Netherlands and the government jointly organized the establishment of a sovereign and democratic country called United States of Indonesia, consisting of the Republic of Indonesia, Borneo and the Great East ". Then because of the content of the agreement is violated by the Dutch to hold a Colonial War I (July 21, 1947).
After the above merits Three-State Commission held talks back called the Renville Agreement (January 27, 1948) the contents of the article in which one of the states in less than six months and not more than one year after signed, then in various regions in Java , Sumatra and Madura ballot will be held to determine whether the people in the region will participate in the Republic of Indonesia or into the United States of Indonesia environments.

On the basis of the approval of both the Dutch authorities / NICA form a government with the name of the Council of East Kalimantan and lanschap-lanschap, then the Dutch government to hold a plebiscite in the whole population to determine whether the choice of entry into the Republic of Indonesia, Borneo or the Big East schools were held in the People Baharu (Now SDN Akhmad Yani / SDN Batuah). The results of the plebiscite, the population still wants East Kalimantan as the Republic of Indonesia.

After knowing the will of the people of Southeast Borneo, the Dutch authorities at the time did not want to do what the people dikihendaki, so it met with resistance from the youth who want to join the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in October 1949 and the red and white flag was hoisted at the Market Pagatan, then forming an Agency Kotabaru named Indonesian National Committee and the National Committee of Indonesia Pagatan. Besides holding demonstrations-demonstrations, demands a motion, resolution and so on, in February 1950, set out a delegation on behalf of the Regional East Kalimantan and Jakarta to Yogyakarta to contact and deliver a resolution to the Government of the United Republic of Indonesia. After the delegation returned to Kotabaru and Pagatan, a state of upheaval that demanded the dissolution of the Council of East Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and the entry into the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta mounting. To prevent the Council East Kalimantan when it should not forcibly disbanded by the people, the council re-take the wisdom to send envoy to Yogyakarta and Jakarta to meet with the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The delegation is represented by M. Jamjam (Council of Southeast Kalimantan), A. Imberan (Council Lanschap Cantung Sampanahan), KH M. Arief (Council Lanschap Sea Island), K. Noor Asyikin (Pagatan Lanschap Council).

On 4 April 1950 the Council of East Kalimantan disbanded and incorporated into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia (Yogyakarta) through Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 137 and number 138, then on the date of June 29, 1950 issued a decree of the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Indonesia on the establishment of territories the District-District government, the Autonomous Regions of the province of Kalimantan. So the first East Kalimantan regency Kotabaru converted into capital is Kotabaru, was appointed as head of Regions is M. Yamani. After it came out of Government Regulation dated June 30, 1950 in lieu of Law No. 2 1950 on the Establishment of Provincial Parliament and the Council of Governments for the meantime the whole area of the Republic of Indonesia. Which is then followed by Kalimantan Governor Decree dated August 14, 1950 No. 186 / OPB / 92/14 in the Chapter II, Article 4 states that the District Government Agencies consists of the House of Representatives and the Council of Local Government.

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