The importance of three things , first memorize , understand the second , third believed , why is not there may be an understanding that there is no memorization , anything that flows in mind even in the liver is therefore memorize . As for who should be familiar is the concept of truth that can be received by the heart , thoughts , and feelings , not a book of stories or fairy tales , it is a fairy tale in need but not for adults . Then the third is believed , however much memorization and understanding but no belief what is the use ? because the fruit of memorizing and understanding is believing . I therefore invite all who need God let us , carried three concepts above . in addition to ' Know that one person who has memorized the incomparable thousand smart people , and one person who knows about it , incomparable memorized a thousand people , and a person who believes that incomparable thousand people who understand . Hopefully me and whoever you are , whatever religion you are , and wherever you are in nature , I hope to God that he is most holy longer almighty gracious rote , understanding and keyakinan.Amiin
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