monotheism ocean properties | Blog Legenda Tauhid

monotheism ocean properties

22.12 |

The Word of God : kholakum Allaah wa maa ta'maluun . Meaning : It is God who created you and everihting you are doing . You mean that there is any - there has been - and will be held and there is a move of God in waridul jamal al . The word maa in the paragraph above , implies that the first embodiment - present - and future . Include what dimensions and on the go. As well as the motion would reveal anything . Move up , down , left , right , come forward , backward , outward , inward and others.As for the means, every being, every movement , every act in the universe back to theHoly Divine Essence . Tawhid means  Oneness ficil God in deed . His Holy Essence iscausal , because the entire result . In fact ,deeds that we do - in a sense- Comes from him . He who givesstrength ( Qudrah ) , freedom ( ikhtiyâr ) , andwill (the will of god ) to us . Yet - with so - we were the perpetrators of the act -our own actions . and weresponsible for the acts ofwe do .From one perspective , God is the doerour own actions . Because everythingwe have comes from Him . nothing can exert their influence in the form of natural except God ! If there is faith and belief that there are moving apart from God , and do his own without the movement of God , then the people who have become so opinion infidels and idolatrous . God forbid .

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